Active Member
Gary R. Culbertson, MD, FACS
Restore & Rejuvinate!!! Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Serving the South Carolina Wetlands for over 20 years. We offer a AAAASF OBS Level C Cosmetic Surgery Facility.
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Meet Dr. Gary Culbertson
Make sure to clearly express your concerns and even write down your questions. This is an exciting time that can and often does result in a life changing event. Let no one fool you. A change in your outward physical appearance can have dramatic effects on who you perceive yourself and how you are viewed by others. Many patients experience a boost in confidence and improved self worth.
Dr. Culbertson is recognized as a local expert in Aesthetic surgery and is sought out for primary and corrective Cosmetic Surgery. We offer a Cosmetic Surgical Center with the capability of General Anesthesia. Check us out a
Your Consultation
Cosmetic Consults are only $50. Uninsured appoinments range from $100 and up.
Patient Testimonials
“Hi, I had a tummy tuck done by this surgeon on Sept. 28, 2012. I was a physical mess! Everyone thought I was 8 months pregnant. I had a small waist line but my stomach protruded out very bad and it sat real high. I went to a few doctors that told me that my muscles were torn loose and there was nothing I could do except exercise but my stomach would still never go back to the way it use to be. I had four c-sections in the past. I had a hernia and a huge diastasis recti. A friend told be about Dr. Culbertson and allowed me to see the work he did on her. I was very impressed. I also saw a few other friends that went to other doctors and looked a mess! Dr. Culberston, with the help of God, worked a miracle on me! A lot of people didn’t recognize me after the surgery because I was so small. I am a diabetic and he took very good care of me in the healing process along with making sure my diabetes was under control. He has years and years of experience doing this type of work. He don’t just do enough to get by or to get your money, he operates on you to achieve not only the best look possible, but he realize his reputation depends on it and he builds his clientele by EXAMPLE! Your will not go wrong if you choose Dr. Culbertson. I was one on his worst cases and I look AMAZING! If you don’t want to take just my word for it , schedule a consultation and ask to see a Sept 28th 2012 case, and if that don’t stop you from looking at any other surgeon, nothing will!!!!! Thanks for everything Dr. Culbertson! You are truly the best! My experience with you and your staff has been GREAT!” -B. E. — Florence, SC
Thank you so much for the care and attention you provided me. My husband and I appreciate your taking the time to explain to us about my surgery before and after the operation. Your staff was so pleasant and professional. We appreciate the kindness and attention given to me.” -Linda — Florence, SC
“I have had the privilege of visiting and being your patient on three different occasions over the past 12 years. Even moving 3 hours away — I never considered anyone but you. The chin/cheek/CO2 Laser procedure you completed on me has already lifted my spirits. I feel as an older woman it is essential to do all we can to care for ourselves and for me that includes a bit of cosmetic surgery ever few years. On each visit to your office —-no matter the questions; you are always content to answer. Your expertise is comforting and your kindness and concerning nature incredible. During the decision making appointment; you give recommendations that are factually sound which has helped to ensure I make the best decisions that will offer the maximum benefits. You go beyond to explain and make sure I know what to expect as well as how to keep the treated areas clean….. “The Solution to Pollution is Dilution”. Upon the follow up visits your words are encouraging even during the swelling weeks when we all need a bit of up-lifting. When I have needed to ask a question after the appointment….. You are always there to send the answer. How privileged I have been to have found such an astonishing Plastic Surgeon. Grant is always accommodating as he knows I have three hours to travel for appointments. He has always been helpful and rearranged times for me and I so gratefully appreciate his gestures. When I have called in with a questions —- He returns the call in a short time frame. Belinda is amazing and awesome. She ensures I have my prescriptions (calls them in so they are ready when I arrive at the pharmacy) —directions for prep—-aftercare—-as well as notes that ensure I follow the daily meds and hygiene routine as needed. In the office she is considerate and genuine. With her proficiency and stellar personality — she delivers an ease to the patients with positive comments about the procedures and of course brags on you Dr. Culbertson as being the BEST!!!! Day of the surgery— On the day of the surgery I was greeted by Donna and Oscar. I had met Oscar during my past two surgeries. Their professionalism, kind-heartedness and compassionate nature makes them true priceless jewels on your team. The morning of surgery is a bit unsettling for anyone– but they go out of their way to keep you calm and at ease. They explain each step that they are taking to ensure the best possible experience during the surgery. What amazing professionals. Dr. Culbertson, Thank you so kindly for being a Proficient, Skilled, Professional and Thoughtful Doctor. I appreciate all that you have done for me and I have been satisfied with the results each time.” -Elizabeth — Charlotte, SC
Procedures Performed
Arm Lift
Body Contouring
Botulinum Toxin
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Brow Lift
Buttock Lift with Augmentation
Chemical Peels, IPL, Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments
Chin Augmentation
Chin Surgery
Cleft Lip and Palate Repair
Dermal Fillers
Down Syndrome
Ear Reconstruction Surgery
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic Technique
Eyelid Ptosis Repair
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Implants
General Reconstruction
Hand Surgery
Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction
Head and Neck Skin Cancer Reconstruction
Injectable Fillers
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation/Enhancement
Male Breast Reduction
Post Burn Reconstruction
Retin-A Treatments
Scar Revision
Skin Cancer Removal
Spider Vein Treatment
Tattoo Removal
Thigh Lift
Tummy Tuck
Vascular Malformations
Ask a Surgeon
Dr. Gary Culbertson participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.
Mommy makeover and scuba diving
Mommy MakeoverMember Response:
JennyK, Great to hear you have found a fabulous sport to enjoy. Scuba diving is amazing! We do allot of athletes in our office (runners, yoga & Zumba instructors). I usually recommend they do not participate in their strenuous activities for at least 6 to 8 weeks following a Tummy Tuck or Mommy Makeover (MMO). You will only do your MMO once in your life. Take some time out to recover. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
DIEP Flap is red
DIEP Flap Breast ReconstructionMember Response:
You should contact your surgeon and be seen urgently. Best, Gary Culbertson, MD
MOHS repair on nose
Skin Cancer RemovalMember Response:
nosemohs, Usually the defects are closed very soon after the Moh's surgery is performed. Did you have a Slow Moh's procedure & the wound is still open/unrepaired? Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Mrs Wilcox, You occurrence was unfortunate. The wound apears to be healing. Consider showering every day with 4% Chlorohexadene soap. PolyMen to the open wound & the Manuka Honey you are presently using. The PolyMem you can get on Amazon ( ). Normally, you do not require antibotics with this wound care regiment. It may take another 6-8 week to heal? If things deterorate consider a wound care center. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD
When can the wound be stitched?
Tummy TuckMember Response:
victim25, So sorry to hear and see your outcome from an Abdominoplasty. I hope this was not done as "Tourist Plastic Surgery" and you are not a smoker. You have seen the three colors of a wound as it progesses or heals: black or brown- dead or necrotic tissue that should be/needs to be removed, yellow- healing from the inside out and finally red- ready for closure. Anticipate, the wound vac can allow you to heal more rapidly from the inside out. This can can take many weeks. When the wound is red it is ready for closure. As Dr. Scwarz stated the most concervative approach is a skin graft. Many months or a year latter the scar could be revised. Another approach is to elevate the abdominal skin and close the wound with large advancement flaps. The post opertaive seroma rate can be high. Only consider per-suing this option with a body contouring surgeon that is familar with this process. The treatment of your condition is not going to be quick. Be Patient! Gary Culbertson, MD
Platysmal bands
Neck LiftMember Response:
LoLo Langdon, Sounds like a simple matter of communication & expectation. As others have said the procedure of Platysmaplasty is typically not for animation or movement of the platysma. If what you are experiencing is of great concern there is a simple solution. It is injection of Botox into the platysma to stop the banding with animation of your face. Consider an ASPS member in your are familar with this procedure. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD
Botched eyelids and doctor takes no accountability
Eyelid SurgeryMember Response:
WOW! That is not good. Looks like you had a Blepharoplasty & then a Fox Lift? That not a tatto...?? If what you saying is correct then, your next step is too get copy's of your opeartive report and pre-operative pictures from your surgeon. Then, consider a medical-legal expert in your area. Hopefully, one of the second options you recieved will serve as a expert witness. If not consider seeking out an Occuplastic Surgeon that provides that service. Yes, we offer these expert witness services for attorney's at my facility ( ). Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD
Tummy Tuck after Epigastric Hernia Repair
Tummy TuckMember Response:
Ms New, You may want to consider a second option. If your epigastric hernia is not too large it mat be repairable at the time of your TT. We commonly perform umbilical hernia repairs at the time of LipoAbdominoplasty's. Consider seeking out a ASPS surgeon in your area. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD
how can tiny eyes be enlarged
Eyelid SurgeryMember Response:
maplechaos, You will require an examination and review of your previous surgery's to answer your questions. Consider requesting a copy of your previous operative reports on your eylid surgery's. Then, consider a consult with an ASPS member in your area that specializes in Occuplastic Surgery. Take your records with you to the visit. Here is link that may be of assistance: .Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Mechanical Valve in my Heart
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Normally, patients that have had mechanical heart valves placed are on permanent anticoagulation therapy. If you are on a permanent blood thinner then, a breast augmentation surgery would not be a good idea. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Panniculectomy / tummy tuck
PanniculectomyMember Response:
angela427. Great question. Consider trying to get rid of your seroma first. A post operative seroma can be a cause of increased complications with the other surgery’s you are considering. You are only going to have these types of surgery once so, consider doing it in the safest environment possible. Please note that many insurance companies will not allow a medically necessary surgery to be performed at the same time as a medical unnecessary cosmetic surgerys like a Tummy Tuck. Check with your Insurance Carrier & Hospital to make sure that combining the two is OK. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Complications after tummy tuck
Tummy TuckMember Response:
Thanks You for the Great Question. Yes, you are correct. Get an evaluation BEFORE any surgery or stopping your blood thinners. Just like folks bleed (i.e. hemophilia) there are people who clot. Since you are on anticoagulation therapy for your PE consider going back to a Hematologist for surgical clearance. See if they want you to come off the blood thinners to do a Hypercoagulability work up (i.e. blood tests). The last thing you want is another DVT/PE. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Please Help
RhinoplastyMember Response:
WOW!! Saddle Nose Deformity. Most Common from Trauma and/or Drug Abuse. Can be a very complicated process that may require more than one surgery to correct. Smoking and continued drug use could be considered contraindications to surgery. Be prepared to receive serial smoking and drug tests. Approach a training program in Plastic Surgery in your area. This may dcrease your costs dramatically. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Pulmonary embolism
Tummy TuckMember Response:
sabby43, Yes, you would be determined to be at increased risk for perioperative PE/DVT with a Tummy Tuck or Mommy Makeover. Plastic Surgeons & hospitals today often screen/ evaluate their patients for this possble life threatening event BEFORE surgery. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Consider seeing a Hematologist for a Hypercoaguabilty profile/work up and/or consider getting a Factor V Lyden Defeciency blood test. A positive Factor V Lyden Defeciency test can be considered one of the conditions of patients with hypercoaguability that requires anticoagulation before surgery. Many plastic surgeons today are going to consider giving theirTummy Tuck or Mommy Makeover patients an anticoagulant like Xeralto or Eliquis after their surgery if they have an increased risk for PE/DVT. In our office this is done in all our Tummy Tuck or Mommy Makeover patients as part of a Critical Pathway of Care to reduce perioperative complications. Seek out an ASPS member familar with PE/DVT.
mild ptosis: eyelid surgery &/or brow lift to make eye area more symmetrical?
Eyelid SurgeryMember Response:
Yes, by your photo's it looks likeleft upper eyelid ptosis. You will require an examination to determine exactly what is going on with your left eye. Consider an ASPS member that does Occuloplastic Surgery in your area. Here are some photo's to review before your consult: . Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Breast ReductionMember Response:
RobinP, Coverage of a Breast Reduction is determined by the Insurance Carrier. Doctors no longer dictate health care. Insuance company's do becuase, you are paying them for the covered services. Check with your personel insurance plan to see if they cover the surgery you are considering. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Help! Unknown reason for boils after bbl
Buttock Lift with AugmentationMember Response:
Soto76, I am so sorry to here you are in this predicament. Return to your orginal surgeon for some answers. If you feel uncomfortable about doing this then, consider asking for a referral to an Inectious Disease Physician. If this has not been done already you are likely to require an extensive evaluation (i.e. CT Scan or MRI, tissue diagnosis to rule out fungus, etc.). Hope this is of assistance. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Abdominoplasty with hernia repair
Tummy TuckMember Response:
Strongly agree with Dr Johnson. You most likely do not require an abdominoplasty to fix/repair your umbilical hernia. Get you symptomatic umbilical hernia fixed through your insurance carrier. Do not expect to get cosmetic surgery like an abdominoplasty with hernia repair as a covered service by your insurance carrier. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Discharge from my belly button 6 years after tummy tuck
Tummy TuckMember Response:
Akaexhale, Take a look at your operative report. A common cause of this type of event could be a non-dissolvable braded suture (mersaline, ethibond, etc.). A post operative patient can get a chronic draining stitch abscess from these types of sutures. That is why many plastic surgeons today use sutures that are monfilament and dissolve away with time on their cosmetic (adbdominoplasty) patients (PDS, etc.). PDS (polydioxanone) sutures are much more expensive sutures and can even have antibotics embedded into the suture material. Best, Gary R Culbertosn, MD, FACS
Malignant hyperthermia
Tummy TuckMember Response:
There are different types of MH. Consider getting pre-operative clearance from your internal medicine practitioner or cardiologist. Then, consider a facility/plastic surgeon in your area that is very familiar with peri-operative management of MH. Sometimes this means you may have to go to a major medical center. For instance our facility is a AAAASF level C facility and utilizes an Anesthesiologist. Of course we have done patients with MH. Special precautions are required in the MH patient that can make your TT a bit more expensive. Unfortunately, we are over 6 hrs from your location. These are the some parameters that you might consider BEFORE your surgery. Best, Gary R Culbertson, MD, FACS
Before and after patient photos from Dr. Gary Culbertson. Use the menu to filter by procedure.

Breast Augmentation

Skin Cancer Removal

Tummy Tuck

Mommy Makeover

Eyelid Ptosis Repair

Breast Reduction

Eyelid Surgery


Breast Implant Removal

Head and Neck Skin Cancer Reconstruction
Payment Options
Our Location
Patient Testimonials
“Hi, I had a tummy tuck done by this surgeon on Sept. 28, 2012. I was a physical mess! Everyone thought I was 8 months pregnant. I had a small waist line but my stomach protruded out very bad and it sat real high. I went to a few doctors that told me that my muscles were torn loose and there was nothing I could do except exercise but my stomach would still never go back to the way it use to be. I had four c-sections in the past. I had a hernia and a huge diastasis recti. A friend told be about Dr. Culbertson and allowed me to see the work he did on her. I was very impressed. I also saw a few other friends that went to other doctors and looked a mess! Dr. Culberston, with the help of God, worked a miracle on me! A lot of people didn’t recognize me after the surgery because I was so small. I am a diabetic and he took very good care of me in the healing process along with making sure my diabetes was under control. He has years and years of experience doing this type of work. He don’t just do enough to get by or to get your money, he operates on you to achieve not only the best look possible, but he realize his reputation depends on it and he builds his clientele by EXAMPLE! Your will not go wrong if you choose Dr. Culbertson. I was one on his worst cases and I look AMAZING! If you don’t want to take just my word for it , schedule a consultation and ask to see a Sept 28th 2012 case, and if that don’t stop you from looking at any other surgeon, nothing will!!!!! Thanks for everything Dr. Culbertson! You are truly the best! My experience with you and your staff has been GREAT!” -B. E. — Florence, SC
Thank you so much for the care and attention you provided me. My husband and I appreciate your taking the time to explain to us about my surgery before and after the operation. Your staff was so pleasant and professional. We appreciate the kindness and attention given to me.” -Linda — Florence, SC
“I have had the privilege of visiting and being your patient on three different occasions over the past 12 years. Even moving 3 hours away — I never considered anyone but you. The chin/cheek/CO2 Laser procedure you completed on me has already lifted my spirits. I feel as an older woman it is essential to do all we can to care for ourselves and for me that includes a bit of cosmetic surgery ever few years. On each visit to your office —-no matter the questions; you are always content to answer. Your expertise is comforting and your kindness and concerning nature incredible. During the decision making appointment; you give recommendations that are factually sound which has helped to ensure I make the best decisions that will offer the maximum benefits. You go beyond to explain and make sure I know what to expect as well as how to keep the treated areas clean….. “The Solution to Pollution is Dilution”. Upon the follow up visits your words are encouraging even during the swelling weeks when we all need a bit of up-lifting. When I have needed to ask a question after the appointment….. You are always there to send the answer. How privileged I have been to have found such an astonishing Plastic Surgeon. Grant is always accommodating as he knows I have three hours to travel for appointments. He has always been helpful and rearranged times for me and I so gratefully appreciate his gestures. When I have called in with a questions —- He returns the call in a short time frame. Belinda is amazing and awesome. She ensures I have my prescriptions (calls them in so they are ready when I arrive at the pharmacy) —directions for prep—-aftercare—-as well as notes that ensure I follow the daily meds and hygiene routine as needed. In the office she is considerate and genuine. With her proficiency and stellar personality — she delivers an ease to the patients with positive comments about the procedures and of course brags on you Dr. Culbertson as being the BEST!!!! Day of the surgery— On the day of the surgery I was greeted by Donna and Oscar. I had met Oscar during my past two surgeries. Their professionalism, kind-heartedness and compassionate nature makes them true priceless jewels on your team. The morning of surgery is a bit unsettling for anyone– but they go out of their way to keep you calm and at ease. They explain each step that they are taking to ensure the best possible experience during the surgery. What amazing professionals. Dr. Culbertson, Thank you so kindly for being a Proficient, Skilled, Professional and Thoughtful Doctor. I appreciate all that you have done for me and I have been satisfied with the results each time.” -Elizabeth — Charlotte, SC
“Words can never fully express how much we appreciate all that you have done for Mom. You are not only a skilled physician; you are truly a compassionate one! This has meant so much to as during such a difficult ordeal. It makes a hard situation a little easier when you know you can trust and depend on your physician. Thank you for all you do. You truly are an angel.” -Jackie, Carla & Debra — Sumter, SC
“I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. My incisions are healing well, and I am feeling better every day. You’ve made a “huge” Improvement in my quality of life. Thank you again.” -Laurie — Columbia, SC
“Your patience, sensitivity, and genuine concern was one of the main reasons that I chose you; not once, but twice to place my life and body in your hands. Your calming reassurance and soothing “bedside” manner meant so very much when I or my husband had any concerns or questions regarding the surgeries and recoveries on each. I had hidden myself behind my weight for well over 30 years. In 2008, I decided to have gastric bypass done. Two years later the weight was gone, but my self confidence and esteem were still holding me back. So, we did our homework and researched several plastic surgeons. Our Insurance would have paid for my Breast surgery to be done in Charleston, but we chose you above those in Columbia and even in Charleston at MUSC, after meeting you the first time, we knew you were the right one. You took so much of your time to sit with my husband and I and explained the pros and cons of my Mastopexy and then the Tummy Tuck. When we had concerns and called for you after hours, your response time was awesome each time. It was never over an hour before you returned our calls and would bring me into your office to make sure I was on track and to just basically reassure us. That is so rare this day and time as too many Doctors treat people as just another addition to their bank account. Like we are part of a big production line. I thank God for leading us to you Dr. C. You alter more than bodies; at least for me you did. You altered my whole outlook. The sensitivity and support of your fine staff helped make my surgeries go as well as I think they could have. They are some of the best people I have had the pleasure of getting to know. Competent, sensitive physicians like you are the prize of the medical profession. I tell anyone who asks, how I went from a size 26 to a size 8 – Thus, my saying ‘Body by God, Alterations by Dr. Culbertson’.” -Nell — Sumter, SC