Active Member
David P. Rapaport, MD
Dr. David P. Rapaport is amongst the most respected and sought-after surgeons in New York City, and provides the same artistry and meticulous attention to detail during nonsurgical treatments as he does when using the scalpel.
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Meet Dr. David Rapaport
Named a “Top NYC Plastic Surgeon” by New York magazine, Dr. David P. Rapaport performs all surgical procedures on-site in his fully accredited surgical facility, which is designed to offer his patients a cutting-edge, safe and personal atmosphere, as well as the attention of a caring, fully trained staff.
With Harvard and New York University training, more than 30 years of experience in his field and a calming bedside manner, he has become a sought-after plastic surgeon in Manhattan. The doctor turned his passion for plastic surgery into a thriving boutique practice that attracts patients whose exacting standards mirror his own. “I am meticulous and emphatic that all the work I do appears natural,” he says.
Dr. Rapaport and his team at Park Avenue Plastic Surgery specialize in plastic surgery procedures of the face, breast, and body, including facelift, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, and hair restoration. He also offers non-surgical treatments such as CoolSculpting, cellulite treatments, and miradry.
Dr. Rapaport is also the Medical Director and Founder of Coolspa and Aethos, with locations in Manhattan. Coolspa is the Top CoolSculpting Provider in NYC and New York, as ranked by Allergan. Coolspa is the premier med spa in NYC offering other non-surgical treatments such as Botox, Dermal Fillers, Morpheus8, Hydrafacials, and miraDry. Coolspa also offer SmartGraft for hair restoration and is one of the top med spas for men in NYC and Manhattan.
Your Consultation
Dr. Rapaport believes that each patient's surgical plan must be individualized and based on that patient's concerns and personality not just on their body.
Patient Testimonials
I'm a 39 y/o mom of 4 ages 8 and under. Prior to breastfeeding, I was a 34 D. However, breastfeeding left my breasts deflated and saggy. I exercise regularly and live a healthy lifestyle at 5' 8" and 130 lbs. I visited several doctors in NY area for consultations with split recommendations of just implant vs. implant with lift. I did not want the scars of a lift. Dr. Rapaport was confident that I could have full breasts with just an implant and, based on his pictures and reviews, I believed him. Surgery was on a Friday at 9 am and I was out of the office by noon. Recovery from anesthesia was better than expected- actually laughing and feeling very good. I was in pain and needed pain meds until Sunday (2.5 days). I followed the massage technique instructed by Dr. Rapaport. By the second f/u visit at 11 days post surgery, my breasts looked WONDERFUL!!! You cannot wipe the smile from my face. I am so happy with my decision to have this done. The results look exactly as predicted by Dr. Rapaport. My husband was never a breast man... until now!
Absolutely AMAZING ! I have been working out all my life but never could get my abs to look the way I wanted ...always carried that excess fat in my love handles. Cool sculpting was the answer. Now my waist looks the best it ever has. It was painless with NO downtime....Couldn't be happier!
I visited Dr. Rapaport several weeks ago in need of several facial stitches after a sports injury. I was awed by the professionalism and care the good doctor exhibited. His beautiful office and the relaxing classic rock he played while operating completely calmed my nerves. He talked me through the entire procedure, explaining exactly what he was doing and why in each step. Dr. Rapaport's calm demeanor and expertise made for a quick and painless operation, and I am so glad I was referred to him. When I had the stitches removed and at my follow-up, I was similarly awed by his office staff. I would recommend him to anyone, anytime!
Procedures Performed
Arm Lift
Body Contouring
Botulinum Toxin
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Revision
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction
Brow Lift
Buttock Implants
Buttock Lift with Augmentation
Calf Augmentation
Cheek Augmentation
Cheek Reduction
Chemical Peels, IPL, Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments
Chin Augmentation
Chin Surgery
Dermal Fillers
Deviated Septum Correction
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic Technique
Eyelid Ptosis Repair
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Implants
General Reconstruction
Hair Transplant
Head and Neck Cancer Reconstruction
Injectable Fillers
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation/Enhancement
Male Breast Reduction
Mommy Makeover
Nonsurgical Fat Reduction
Retin-A Treatments
Scar Revision
Skin Cancer Removal
Spider Vein Treatment
Thigh Lift
Thread Lift
Tummy Tuck
Ask a Surgeon
Dr. David Rapaport participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.
Scar tissue or breast gland 10 months after surgery?
Male Breast ReductionMember Response:
If there was a period of time following surgery without fullness, and this fullness developed later, then it is likely to be scar tissue. If the fullness has been present since immediately after surgery, and if the doctor did not do open removal of breast tissue and only performed liposuction, then there is a higher possibility this is residual breast tissue. This is because this breast tissue does not get removed with liposuction. This is something that your surgeon should likely be aware of and should be able to treat now with a secondary procedure. Please ask your surgeon about his or her experience with this procedure.
I am really confused whether to do surgery or not? Please anyone can help me or advise me? Anything
Breast ReductionMember Response:
Hi Aniket, Of course, it is difficult to give specific medical advice without examining you in person or at least seeing photos. However, I can say that many cases of gynecomastia can be easily treated with liposuction and the removal of small amounts of breast tissue. I am a leading board-certified plastic surgeon in NYC with several years of experience doing this exact procedure, and am able to give patients amazing results with very, very small scars. You should, however, be examined by a local board-certified plastic surgeon in order to determine if such a minimally invasive approach is the right choice for you - in some cases, more extensive surgery is required to address a patient's specific concerns and anatomy. Most of my patients undergoing this procedure are able to return to work in 3-4 days, so 15 days sounds like plenty of time. Please be sure to call our office if you are at all interested in discussing this further with me! Best of luck on your journey.
Tattoo removal
Tattoo RemovalMember Response:
Hello! This can most definitely be done. You will want to confirm that you are allergic before going ahead with a skin graft as a laser would give you a more natural result. However if you do indeed have a significant allergy that does not allow laser treatment, removing that skin and reconstructing it with a skin graft is absolutely an option. You will want to be aware that this may have a patch-like appearance, so I recommend exploring all available options first. Best of luck on your journey.
Hair Transplant and Age
Hair TransplantMember Response:
Hello! Absolutely not - Dr. Rapaport himself underwent hair transplantation by his technician at age 57 with absolutely excellent results (please feel free to look at our website to see those results!). As long as you are in good health, do not have heart disease, do not smoke, and have adequate donor hair, you may be an excellent candidate. Many of our patients are over 50, and many of our patients are also well into their 60s! Please send us an email with photos if you are interested in discussing your situation further ( The technician who works with our patients is the same who did Dr. Rapaport's procedure and is well known nationally for superiorly natural looking results. We are based in NYC, but would be happy to discuss your situation further over telehealth. Best of luck on your journey!
Removal of filler
Injectable FillersMember Response:
Hello! This product is well known for causing problems months to years after the injection. For this reason, it is not recommended to be used and when it migrates and causes problems, it needs to be removed through either small incisions, sometimes with liposuction, other times with facelifts. It is not available in the U.S. for this reason. The bottom line is that each case has to be evaluated individually, but some of the above are good starting points to ask your local board-certified plastic surgeon about. If you are based in NYC or would like to speak to Dr. Rapaport virtually, you are more than welcome to send photos to: Best of luck on your journey!
multiple procedures
Breast Implant RemovalMember Response:
This is certainly possible both in theory and in real life. However, with that being said, it also depends on many different factors including your anatomy, your risk factors, the kind of lift you need, etc. On a healthy patient planning on a straightforward surgery, this is most definitely possible. Please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon moving forward. Best of Luck!
Liposuction Revision
LiposuctionMember Response:
We're so sorry your experiencing these problems. Liposuction is a procedure that I am extremely familiar with; It is one of my top 3 most frequent procedures. I have treated both new patients and patients coming in for revisions. I most definitely can help with your situation. You are welcome to call the office and schedule a consultation. I would be happy to evaluate you in person and come up with the best possible treatment plan moving forward. Best of luck!
Breast pain
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Please note that this following comment isn't medical advice. Rather this is meant as a general guideline. There could be many reasons as to why your breasts are experiencing pain. This is a difficult question to answer without knowing what kind of implants you have. With sillicone gel implants, there is always a risk of a silent rupture. The FDA recommends an MRI every three years for those with sillicone implants. I would also recommend that you consult with both a plastic surgeon and a breast surgeon for a proper examination. Best of luck!
Lipo makes sking aging go faster
LiposuctionMember Response:
Hello! What happens to skin after a liposuction procedure depends on lots of factors, including the age of the patient, the inherent quality of the patient's skin in that area, and how much fat is being removed. For example, a young person with excellent skin elasticity can have liposuction and the skin will spring back well with no issue - this can be contrasted with someone who is perhaps a bit older with sun exposure, maybe a few pregnancies - all of these factors will reduce skin elasticity. That person would end up with loose skin. That is to say, it is all about getting a consultation with a surgeon who has a significant amount of experience in this area and who could help determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Fortunately, we have treatments that can be done at the same time and following a liposuction that can help with skin tightening. This includes treatments like Morpheus and BodyTite that Dr. Rapaport specializes in. Best of luck in your journey!
Nerve Pain Risk
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Hello, You ask an interesting question, and we are sorry to hear about your past difficulties with nerve pain. It is completely understandable that you should have concerns considering your history. In Dr. Rapaport's 30 years of experience performing this surgery, he cannot remember a single patient that has had chronic nerve pain issues following a breast augmentation. He understands this to be a very rare and unusual complication. He however recommends that you speak with your neurologist to confirm that there is nothing in your anatomy that places you at higher risk for this particular complication. If you are local to NYC, you are more than welcome to schedule a virtual (then in-person) consultation with our office to further discuss your concerns and speak face-to-face with Dr. Rapaport. We wish you the best in your journey!
Bad Profile
Chin SurgeryMember Response:
Hi LadyBelle, This is a relatively common problem, and many people start to notice these kinds of changes as they age. It appears that you do not have very good definition between the border of your jawline and your neck. This may well be caused by a small relative excess of fat in your neck. You would be amazed at how little fat it takes in that area to cause this kind of problem. The great thing is that liposuction, which can be done under local anesthesia and with very small pokes, has the potential to really improve your situation. I suggest you reach out to a local board-certified plastic surgeon near you with whom you could schedule a consultation, during which you could also discuss any concerns you have about your nose. Thank you for your question, and I wish your luck in your journey!
Wondering my options
Injectable FillersMember Response:
Hi Magaly, What you are describing is a very common problem that many women struggle with. When a board-certified plastic surgeon takes a look at you, they will primarily be analyzing the position of the nipples and breast tissue in relation to the fold under your breasts. From this analysis, they could then determine if a breast lift or implants are the best option for you. If the nipple position is significantly below the fold and you have lots of extra skin, a lift could be what is recommended. However, if there is overall sagginess or emptiness but the nipple position is not too low, the best option for you could be implants. I recommend you obtain a virtual consult with your local board-certified plastic surgeon. If you are interested, we are based in New York City but would be more than happy to schedule you for a virtual consult. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
Uneven eyes
Eyelid SurgeryMember Response:
Hi Nate, You ask a great question. Usually, everyone has some degree of asymmetry, and many people are bothered by the same thing you are bothered by. Our asymmetries are all over the body and face, and relate to slight differences in bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Fortunately, with botulinum toxin, it is frequently possible to treat asymmetry around the eyes. Your next step would be to find a board-certified plastic surgeon near you to whom you could send photos of your eyes. You would then be able to see how they could help you address your problem - there is a very good chance they would be able to do so in this way. We are based in New York City, but our office would be able to schedule you in for a virtual consultation if you are interested. I wish you luck on your journey!
Before and after patient photos from Dr. David Rapaport. Use the menu to filter by procedure.

Breast Augmentation

Nonsurgical Fat Reduction

Injectable Fillers


Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Botulinum Toxin

Breast Implant Revision

Skin rejuvenation and resurfacing

Body Contouring

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Dr. David P. Rapaport No-Breast-Scar Augmentation

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Dr. David P. Rapaport

CoolSculpting Elite by Coolspa

AccuTite with Dr. David P. Rapaport

Ideal Implant Endoscopic Breast Augmentation with Dr. David P. Rapaport

AccuTite by Dr. David P. Rapaport


Liposuction Vs. CoolSculpting

Ideal Implant Breast Augmentation with Dr. David P. Rapaport

Why have CoolSculpting at Coolspa
Our Locations
Patient Testimonials
I'm a 39 y/o mom of 4 ages 8 and under. Prior to breastfeeding, I was a 34 D. However, breastfeeding left my breasts deflated and saggy. I exercise regularly and live a healthy lifestyle at 5' 8" and 130 lbs. I visited several doctors in NY area for consultations with split recommendations of just implant vs. implant with lift. I did not want the scars of a lift. Dr. Rapaport was confident that I could have full breasts with just an implant and, based on his pictures and reviews, I believed him. Surgery was on a Friday at 9 am and I was out of the office by noon. Recovery from anesthesia was better than expected- actually laughing and feeling very good. I was in pain and needed pain meds until Sunday (2.5 days). I followed the massage technique instructed by Dr. Rapaport. By the second f/u visit at 11 days post surgery, my breasts looked WONDERFUL!!! You cannot wipe the smile from my face. I am so happy with my decision to have this done. The results look exactly as predicted by Dr. Rapaport. My husband was never a breast man... until now!
Absolutely AMAZING ! I have been working out all my life but never could get my abs to look the way I wanted ...always carried that excess fat in my love handles. Cool sculpting was the answer. Now my waist looks the best it ever has. It was painless with NO downtime....Couldn't be happier!
I visited Dr. Rapaport several weeks ago in need of several facial stitches after a sports injury. I was awed by the professionalism and care the good doctor exhibited. His beautiful office and the relaxing classic rock he played while operating completely calmed my nerves. He talked me through the entire procedure, explaining exactly what he was doing and why in each step. Dr. Rapaport's calm demeanor and expertise made for a quick and painless operation, and I am so glad I was referred to him. When I had the stitches removed and at my follow-up, I was similarly awed by his office staff. I would recommend him to anyone, anytime!
I recently visited Dr. Rapaport's office to have a procedure called Miradry done. Dr. Rapaport, Tamara Spaide and Dr. Smith were very professional and made me feel very comfortable during the entire procedure. Their knowledge and expertise put to ease my self-conscious feelings and at the same time improved my outlook for future fitness endeavors. Miradry will forever rid me of my embarrassing underarm odor and sweat. I absolutely trust Dr. Rapaport and his team with any of my future procedures.
Simply the best! DR. Rapaport and his entire staff are simply the best at everything. I had a BA and Botox and and love, love, love my results. DR. Rapaport is honest, trustworthy and has a lot of integrity. 100% the best!
I can't thank Dr.Rapaport enough for my lips! They look amazing! He's a real pro and will give you a beautiful natural look .Also it's completely PAINLESS! He's really amazing! Did i mention how good my lips look !!!! Wish I can upload before and after so you can see his amazing work!