Active Member
Sutton L. Graham, II, MD
Now that we live longer, healthier lives, it's natural to want to look as good as possible. Plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures today present many options for looking your best. We are proud of our reputation for combining exceptional personal care, surgical skill and comprehensive options. We count on you being able to tell your friends and family that your result is beautiful and you had the best experience of any medical office you've encountered.
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Meet Dr. Sutton Graham
Extensive B&A photo collection on my personal website,
Your Consultation
From your first contact with our staff, we think you will be impressed. Dr. Graham sees to it that all patients receive personal attention and detailed information about the procedures they're considering. We encourage you to review our detailed practice website before your consultation (
During a consultation with us you'll meet our experienced staff, review important medical history, learn about the procedures and how they'll benefit you, see numerous before and after photographs, and evaluate the areas of concern. You'll receive recommendations to achieve your goals, based on our extensive experience. We'll provide you a detailed, personalized booklet of information for your review, along with fee, payment and financing information.
We welcome you back for additional time discussing any questions with Dr. Graham or our nurse, if needed.
Patients considering facial cosmetic procedures will have the opportunity to meet our skin care specialists (esthetician). She'll advise you on skin care for maintenance or care before and after surgery.
Our nationally accredited (AAASF) office surgical facility is used for most cosmetic procedures. Our board-certified anesthesiologist will care for you. We safely and privately perform hundreds of procedures each year. Reconstructive surgery or select cosmetic procedures are also performed at hospital outpatient or overnight facilities.
Procedures Performed
Arm Lift
Body Contouring
Botulinum Toxin
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Implant Revision
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction
Brow Lift
Buttock Implants
Buttock Lift with Augmentation
Chemical Peels, IPL, Fractional CO2 Laser Treatments
Chin Augmentation
Chin Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery & Computer Imaging
Dermal Fillers
Ear Surgery
Endoscopic Technique
Eyelid Surgery
Facial Implants
Injectable Fillers
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Lip Augmentation/Enhancement
Male Breast Reduction
Mommy Makeover
Permanent Makeup
Retin-A Treatments
Spider Vein Treatment
Thigh Lift
Tummy Tuck
Ask a Surgeon
Dr. Sutton Graham participates in the ASPS Ask A Surgeon service. View responses to public questions below.
Gynecomastia issue: Tissue removed through incision, still little swollen/puffy on one side. hematom
Breast ReductionMember Response:
Questions like this are so common. In our practice we encourage patients like you to call us anytime, and frequently we schedule them for a quick recheck within 12-24 hours. That way we can determine if there is any cause for concern and address it right away. Your best approach would be to call your plastic surgeon, discuss your concerns with their staff and let them guide you. You are very early in the recovery and healing process, so plenty of improvement can be expected. Best Wishes.
Breast ReductionMember Response:
In our practice, breast reduction patients do not have any routine overnight hospital stay. Your surgeon may have individual concerns for you as a patient, considering your medical history, and could adapt the plan accordingly. Discuss these and other questions with him or her during your consultation. Breast reduction is an extremely rewarding procedure which brings great lifestyle and personal satisfaction. Enjoy.
Tummy TuckMember Response:
Tummy tucks can provide great benefits, but expectations are occasionally high. In our practice we occasionally see women and men who had a surgeon do a tummy tuck but were disappointed with the limited improvement. Their underlying problem related to excessive subcutaneous and intra-abdominal (internal) body fat. The tummy tuck tightened the lower abdominal skin and removed that fat, but it didn't improve the overall tummy contour. To get a truly reshaped tummy, it was necessary to loose a major amount of weight. Afterward their surgeon could have really improved the abdominal wall, skin and fat. And they would have seen a more dramatic improvement. As the other plastic surgeons have mentioned, for safety and cosmetic reasons, patients in your situation should consider 35-40 pound weight loss before your procedure.
Breast Reduction
Breast ReductionMember Response:
In general any woman with back, neck and shoulder pain and breasts DD size or larger can benefit from breast reduction. Insurance requirements vary, but in our area most do not require primary care referral to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon (but it is a good idea). Your plastic surgeon will perform a history and physical, document the findings and send them to your insurance company for their approval. Some insurance companies will not cover your procedure, but your surgeon can offer affordable self-pay quotes that will still allow you to feel the benefits of proportional breast size and lifted shape.
smooth vs textured implants
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
Before you pick your implant, pick your experienced, trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon in your area. Then bring your detailed questions to your consultation. After a proper history and examination, he or she can discuss their recommendations for your breast augmentation, including implant placement, implant fill material (silicone gel or saline), type, size and possibly surface texture. Implant characteristics vary too much to be able to make a simple answer to your good question. And your breast and body features may make much more difference in breast softness than any choice of implant. The simplest answer is, "it's complicated." Enjoy your consults and results!
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
We see many patients whose needs and wants have changed since having breast implants, so implant removal is always an option. Since you have a number of physiologic symptoms which you may attribute to your implants, you have plenty of reason to have them removed. With all that has changed, the breasts will not look as they did before augmentation surgery. During your plastic surgeon consult, you and your surgeon can discuss alternatives such as lifting the remaining breast tissue (mastopexy) if needed.
Recovery period
Arm LiftMember Response:
Arm Lift is also known as brachioplasty or arm tuck. It involves surgical removal of loose and excessive skin and fat from the inner portion of the upper arm. Many patients have lost weight, but that is not necessary. Alternative procedures include liposuction or CoolSculpting, but they do not provide equivalent results as Arm Lift. Both arms are usually done at the same time, typically in a accredited sterile operating facility, which may be part of a plastic surgeon's office. Your recovery depends on your level of activity and occupation, but generally patients return to an office job after one week, resume moderate exercise after three weeks, and wear compression wraps for the first three weeks. Full healing takes a few months, but the overall result is easily visible a 2 months post-op. Be sure to consult board certified plastic surgeons to have all your questions answered.
Curious about lip injections
Lip Augmentation/EnhancementMember Response:
You are right to consider safety in your quest to have more attractive lips. Hyaluronic acid filler products such as Juvederm or Restylane are excellent choices, and they are widely used by experienced injectors. Seek the setting of a board certified plastic surgeon rather than a med spa or mall provider. Ask about their credentials, and if a nurse injector is used, is the supervising physician in-house? Show them your prominent blood vessels and ask how they are protected during your proposed treatment. Ask the injector to discuss the vascular anatomy of the lip. Ask if they have the enzyme hyaluronidase on hand. If you are satisfied with their knowledge and expertise, your should be safe to go ahead and have lip enhancement.
How Do I Get That Raised Eyebrow Effect?
Botulinum ToxinMember Response:
Botox placed beneath the outer brow can raise that portion of the brow slightly, about one millimeter. It is usually necessary to avoid placing Botox in the lifting muscle above the eyebrow as well. You mentioned that your lids are becoming a bit heavier. If this is a concern, then discuss this with a plastic surgeon, and consider eyelid tuck. This can often can be done under local anesthesia with minimal downtime and will give excellent improvement. If brow droop is the major cause of your changes, then browlift may be the best way to spend what you currently dedicate to Botox. The consultation will help you decide which treatment methods are best for you personally.
Breast ReductionMember Response:
I tell patients there are two sides to this discussion. If you can achieve your planned body weight before reduction, your chosen plastic surgeon can give you the best final result. On the other hand, breast reduction now will allow you to be so much more active without discomfort, that many choose reduction first and work on weight loss goals afterward. Discuss your individual situation with your surgeon to help with your decision.
Planning to recieve a reduction
Breast ReductionMember Response:
An excellent and common question. Yes, each breast reduction includes a breast lift as well. The way I explain this to patients is: "Imagine leaving the nipple attached to the breast tissue, but lifting the skin away starting at the bottom. The peripheral excess breast tissue is removed, leaving the appropriate core amount. This core is lifted internally and sutured. The now excess skin is removed from the lower breast, and the scars hidden." Our goal is to give you a proportional, lifted breast while maintaining sensation and possible function, for those that want to go on to breast feeding. Almost every patient tells us they wish they had had the procedure sooner!
Breast reduction or lift?
Breast ReductionMember Response:
Yes. The general answer to the question you pose is yes, breast reduction or breast lift will help these problems. If a breast reduction is done, the lift is always included. The breasts are less heavy, making activities more comfortable. Size can be made proportional for your frame and preferences. Breast lift alone is a more limited procedure that would lift but not reduce the size of heavy breasts. That procedure is less likely to help the symptoms you describe. Interview a board certified plastic surgeon for the best information.
Reduction and Lift
Breast ReductionMember Response:
That's a very common concern. Breast reduction is your solution. The procedure consists of lifting the droopy breast tissue and raising the nipple, while reducing the amount of heavy excess gland and fat. The result is a smaller, more compact breast. Perkiness often depends on the consistency of your natural breast tissue, and implants are not usually used. Scars are necessary, but are positioned low on the breast and fade over time. You can see the before and after results on most plastic surgeon's websites. Surgeon's offices in your area will be able to give you full cost information by phone. In our area inclusive costs are less than $8,000 (surgeon, facility, anesthesia, pathology). Health insurance does not apply for these procedures.
Breast reduction
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
At 32G you no doubt have back, neck and shoulder discomfort and difficulty with finding clothing and bras. Breast reduction can help relieve these symptoms and enhance your proportions. When women are seen in our office we discuss their goals including what size they want to go down to. We always try to meet their goals. We do explain that no formula or template exists that produces an exact post-op breast size; the process is subjective, including surgeon skill and patient expectations. With that caveat, your choice of plastic surgeon should be able to come close to you plan. Discuss this during your consultations.
chin augmentation
FaceliftMember Response:
Expert plastic surgeons offer various solutions for double chin problems. They begin with non-surgical treatment with Kybella injections or Coolsculpting fat reduction. Next considerations are liposuction fat removal without skin tightening. Finally there are neck lifts which include fat removal, muscle tightening, skin re-draping, possibly including cheek and jowl contouring as well (facelift). These options are based on the specifics of your situation, anatomy, skin characteristics, and expectations. Your local board-certified plastic surgeons should be consulted to learn your best options.
New Breast Implants after implant removal
Breast AugmentationMember Response:
You ask an excellent question. Capsular contracture is best treated by complete removal of the old capsule and old implants. Sometimes, this can entail modifications of the implant position and rarely use of dermal matrix. New implants can usually be replaced at the same operation. Your plastic surgeon should be able to review these and other important considerations with you during in-person consultation.
What can I do for thin lips and uneven mouth?
Lip Augmentation/EnhancementMember Response:
Yes, your photos demonstrate some changes. You might be able to benefit from some well done work with injectable filler such as Juvaderm (hyaluronic acid). There a variety of products your plastic surgeon might employ and should discuss them with you. It should be possible to improve lip contour and symmetry, and enhance the balance of the upper and lower lips. My thoughts are that your lower lip actually looks great, but I can see why you might like the upper vermilion to have a little more rounded fullness and more vertical height. The philtrum is difficult to evaluate in the photos I can see, but in-person evaluation is always best. A lip lift can shorten the vertical length of one's lip, and hide the scar along the base of the nostrils. This can be done with local anesthesia, with minimal down-time and recovery. Seek an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon in your area. Review their website photos for examples of their work and carefully discuss your expectations.
Are there ..
LiposuctionMember Response:
There may be, and one might find them in university plastic surgery training programs. These programs have resident training clinics which allow plastic surgeons-in-training to provide low or no cost services to deserving patients. Most plastic surgery residents have already completed 3-5 years of surgical training before specializing in plastic surgery. Try contacting your nearest university medical center. Best Wishes
Boob job on one side?
Breast ReductionMember Response:
Hello, and your issue isn't really that odd. Many, many women develop breast asymmetry, although your sounds rather prominent. You are probably completely developed, and it is reasonable to consider plastic surgery to achieve better symmetry. Reduction of the larger breast is often the best option in the situation you describe. And yes, that should be less expensive than work on two breasts. Personal recommendations would be based on your in-person exam so contact a local board certified plastic surgeon and schedule a consult. Best Wishes
Problem area
LiposuctionMember Response:
The simple answer is: if your skin tone is good, then liposuction may be best procedure for you. If skin is loose, particularly if there is overlap above the pubic area, then tummy tuck should be done, and often combined with liposuction. These can give you the best body coutouring. You are right to consider a board certified plastic surgeon for this assessment and for procedures. Ideal weight does not have to be achieved for success, but your shouldn't have these procedures before undergoing major weight loss. Plan them afterward.
Before and after patient photos from Dr. Sutton Graham. Use the menu to filter by procedure.

Buttock Lift with Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement

Neck Lift


Breast Augmentation

Lip Augmentation/Enhancement
