Siamak Agha, MD PhD FACS
Newport Beach, CA
Body Lift | Case Details
This is a 38 year old female from Maryland who presented to Dr. Agha for a total body lift after losing 220 pounds through gastric bypass surgery. The patient also had an abdominal incision for removal of her gall bladder. Her pre-operative weight was 220 pounds. The patient had a two-stage total body lift procedure. This included L-brachioplasty of the arms, both crescent upper body lift and bra-line upper body lift to correct for severe upper body laxity, dermal-bra suspension breast lift, circumferential abdominoplasty with a midline Fleur-de-lis incision, a buttock Lift, buttock augmentation with her own lower back tissue, a lower body lift, and Spiral thigh lift. Post-operative pictures are taken at 5 months after her total body lift procedure.
Age: 38
Weight: 220 lb