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Cosmetic procedures aren't just for women anymore. More men are now turning to Botox to help boost their confidence, sex lives and careers.
While it's true that noninvasive procedures still reign in popularity, the fact is that cosmetic surgeries like liposuction and facelifts are more popular than ever. Plastic surgeons performed over 234,000 facelifts in 2020.
More than ever before, looking young and fit is important for men. From looking to roll back the hands of time via a facelift or trimming their waist with liposuction, there are a variety of plastic surgery and med spa procedures that can help men achieve their cosmetic goals.
Men have a few different options when it comes to male body contouring, particularly the abdomen and chest.
Gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlargement of male breast tissue, and the number of men seeking out surgery for gynecomastia has continued to increase over the years.
Noninvasive techniques, such as injectable dermal fillers, offer men the advantage of a quick, in-office procedure with immediate results and no downtime.
As noninvasive cosmetic treatments continue to grow in popularity, so has their demand among men. Theses procedures can offer wonderful results, little downtime and affordable costs.
When it comes to appearance, men are really no different than women. They do not want to look old, tired or out of shape. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 1.3 million male aesthetic procedures were performed in 2017.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' annual statistics, more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in 2016.
The newest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that male cosmetic procedures are steadily on the rise.
A growing number of men are choosing to have a tummy tuck, and plastic surgery procedures overall are becoming more common in the male demographic.
Gynecomastia after weight loss often requires longer incisions and more contouring due to the presence of redundant skin, tissue and fat. The goal is to create a masculine, natural-looking chest in which the scars are positioned discreetly.
Plastic surgery for males is a relatively new phenomenon. Men can now maintain a youthful appearance proportionate to our level of health and to our significant others.
Couples plastic surgery has never been more in. Discover which cosmetic procedures are recommended for couples as they age.
Over the past few years, plastic surgeons have seen an increased demand from men requesting plastic surgery. Discover which cosmetic procedures are most popular among male patients.
When most people hear about procedures to remove excess breast fat, tissue and skin, they associate it with women. But gynecomastia is enlargement of the male breast tissue, and male breast reduction procedures were up 5% in 2012.
Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by abnormally enlarged male breasts. There are multiple origins of the disorder. Some of them are congenital and some are acquired. One of the most common causes of gynecomastia is related to the endocrine system, and caused by excess female hormones.