American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

The bottom line on buttock augmentation

Too big? Too small? Too droopy? Not round enough? Cellulite?

For years, buttock surgery has been the poor, ignored little sister to breast surgery. No longer. Over the last decade, surgery to improve the appearance of the buttocks has grown into its own.

One of the key principles of any cosmetic procedure is to create harmony between the surgical site and the rest of the body. Some patients will achieve that harmony with either smaller buttocks or ones that have been lifted while others will be helped by augmenting their buttocks either with their own fat or implants.

In some cases, by reducing the size of the surrounding tissues - the love handles and the saddle bags, the intrinsic beauty within the patient's buttocks is unmasked and nothing needs to be done to the actual buttocks. Even cellulite, although we still have a way to go to 'cure' it, can now be improved with effective treatments.

Which treatment or combination of therapies is for you? A member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeon member in your local community who has an interest in buttock surgery is the place to start.

For more information, including a list of ASPS plastic surgeons in your community, please use our Find a Plastic Surgeon tool.

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.


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