American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Couples plastic surgery by the decade

Couples plastic surgery has never been more in. It used to be reserved for a more senior age group, with his and hers facelifts at age 60, for example. Well, this is a new era, ushered in by increasing pressure to look good in our over-exposed and image conscious social media lives. Decades ago, you posed for photographs and found out only after the film was developed, which one of your friends was exceedingly photogenic, and which ones perhaps were not. At the time, only celebrities were expected to know how to pose or know how to professionally apply makeup. Times have changed, and not only are more men visiting plastic surgery offices, but so are more couples. Here we compiled a list of couples plastic surgery by the decade. (Yes we know couples come in all gender combinations, so please don't take offense at the simplified text varying from male and female, to partners. We love all variations of our coupled patients.)


Sure many men and women are opting for procedures such as rhinoplasty, or breast augmentation, at this time. However, when it comes to couples coming in together, by far and away they come in for Botox and/or fillers. Often it starts out with the woman coming in and the boyfriend just there for support. Soon the boyfriend is in the chair for his own treatment, "just a little" to see if he likes it.


For those having kids, this is when two life events collide: 1-the changes that come with pregnancy, and 2-the changes that come with age. For years women have complained of their bodies not going back to their pre-pregnancy shape and/or weight. While there was no question the kids were worth it, the moms wanted their groove back. The combination of breast lift and/or augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction procedures became known by the term mommy makeover. The newcomer is now the dad bod do-over. Yes, women generally love what the dad bod represents – a man who is generally healthy but likes to indulge here and there and knows how to have fun. Yet, when it comes down to it, many men want to look just as good as they feel. The dad bod do-over is typically liposuction of love handles, and liposculpture of the abdomen to highlight muscle definition. The only question among this couples procedure is who gets to go first?


Often, this is not quite facelift territory, but both sexes in need of "freshening up". These are often prime working years, and maintaining a healthy youthful appearance is important to patients personally and professionally. This makes it a great time for the "liquid facelift", or facial rejuvenation with the use of Botox and fillers, just placed in strategic amounts to reshape the face. This avoids any of the downtime associated with surgery. Lasers and skin care also become more important, as youth no longer camouflages a poor diet or lack of sleep. This is also a popular age for both partners to get blepharoplasties, since, for many patients, the eyelids tend to show aging earlier than the neck and lower face.

50s and up

This is where the couples face/necklifts come into play, whether for a wedding anniversary or matching birthday gifts. Often patients see this as a celebration, of who they are and what they have overcome, and as a gift they are giving each other. It's been very satisfying for both partners, given it boosts individual confidence and is a unifying life event, something both partners pass through together, with each other's support.

While couples plastic surgery is more popular, this does not mean it's a group decision on who should have surgery. Each person must undergo a consultation where individual goals and needs are discussed, and a determination is made on whether or not the patient is an appropriate candidate for surgery or nonsurgical rejuvenation. We at Art & Science Plastic Surgery are here as a resource, to help you Be You, But Better.

For more information, including a list of ASPS plastic surgeons in your community, please use our Find a Plastic Surgeon tool.

*Originally published on Art & Science Plastic Surgery

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.


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