Uh-oh! It’s already swimsuit season: Procedures that will have you swimwear-ready fast

Did you blink and suddenly find yourself staring squarely into swimsuit season already? Time moves fast! One moment, you are sitting down to enjoy a holiday meal with all the trimmings, and before you know it, it is time to start planning your summer vacation.
If you have been in an extended hibernation mode, you may not feel ready to hit the beach or hang out with friends by the pool, even when the excruciating heat hits.
Unfortunately, according to ASPS Member Surgeon Jeffrey Roth, MD, FACS, the time to think about beach-ready procedures like breast augmentation and tummy tucks is March, April and May. Although these surgeries can be performed year-round, those with summer vacation plans may not want to spend their break recovering from surgery.
Thankfully, some minimally invasive procedures can help you get swimsuit-ready without significant downtime.
Procedures that will have you swimsuit-ready fast
Swimsuit season can be bliss for some and unbearable for others. Putting on a swinsuit can make some people feel anxious and self-conscious as if their bodies are on display for everyone to see and judge. However, there are things you can do on relatively short notice to help improve your appearance and get you excited for the hot weather and cool water.
First things first, get your head right. Yes, wearing a bathing suit can be nerve-wracking, but consider this – everyone heading out to have some fun in the sun wants to enjoy their time away, not judge and criticize others for what they look like. Be bold and confident and embrace the summer season. The only one worried about what you look like in swimwear is you.
That said, if you are looking for minimally invasive ways to tone up or boost your body ahead of your beach vacation or poolside retreat, there are procedures that can help you feel more comfortable in your swimsuit.
Hip and buttock augmentation and cellulite-busting devices
ASPS Member Surgeon Kristy Hamilton, MD, is a fan of nonsurgical buttock and hip augmentation.
"It's an excellent option for those seeking a summer-ready look without undergoing the knife," said Dr. Hamilton. "The procedure uses injectable treatments to reshape and contour the hips, buttocks and beyond – all while smoothing the aforementioned areas and improving the appearance of cellulite."
She noted that the minimally invasive procedure utilizes biostimulators to help build collagen where injected. This collagen builds up slowly over the next few weeks and months, providing subtle volume and improvement to the body's contours with almost no restrictions or downtime after treatment.
If cellulite is the bane of your existence, Dr. Hamilton said she has seen positive results with the Avéli procedure.
"This is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia to release the fibrous bands that create the cellulite dimples," said Dr. Hamilton. "It works impressively well, and recovery is only a week or so to see any bruising resolve."
Contour your curves with liposuction
If your plane doesn't leave for a few weeks, consider contouring with liposuction.
"Liposuction patients will see results after the surgery, but there is still swelling," said Dr. Roth. "That dissipates with time."
Dr. Roth said he expects his liposuction patients to wear compression garments for six weeks around the clock and then cut back to halftime for about four weeks.
ASPS Member Surgeon Karen Horton, MD, MSc, FACS, FRCSC, also recommends liposuction for summer body shape-ups.
"Liposuction of small areas with strict postoperative compression can help with spot body contouring in areas like thighs, armpits and the neck or submental (chin) region," said Dr. Horton.
Devices that freeze or heat fat cells also have little downtime. However, all three physicians acknowledge these devices tend to produce subtle to minimal results.
Breast augmentation actually may still be an option
A breast augmentation may not be off the table if you have your heart set on adding volume and filling out your bikini top.
"Breast augmentation is still a very viable option," said Dr. Hamilton. "Early recovery is just a few days, and patients can be poolside – if not in the pool – just a few weeks later!"
However, it's important to remember that implants take time to settle.
"It takes a few months for the implants to find their final position on the breast and for the tissue to relax into the beautiful tear-drop shape, but in clothes or a bikini, patients look great even a few days or weeks later," said Dr. Hamilton.
Patients should keep the positioning of their implants in mind and not expect them to have a natural look immediately for swimsuit season.
"The implants may still be a bit high from surgery," said Dr. Roth. "They usually look great on the table and then rise up in the immediate postoperative time period. They will typically start falling into position at around one month, and it may take several months for them to take their usual position."
Say hello to your summer body
Patients should be aware that minimally invasive procedures can mean more subtle results. If you want a dramatic change for summer, a minimally invasive procedure may not be the best option. Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon who is an ASPS member about your expectations and vacation timetable so they can help direct you to the procedures that meet your aesthetic goals and summer break needs.
Finally, one last reminder bears repeating before you relax and soak in the sun this summer.
"Proper education about protection from UV light, using the proper sunscreen, hats and clothing can make a huge difference in appearance going forward," said Dr. Roth.
To find a qualified plastic surgeon for any cosmetic or reconstructive procedure, consult a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. All ASPS members are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, have completed an accredited plastic surgery training program, practice in accredited facilities and follow strict standards of safety and ethics. Find an ASPS member in your area.