ASPS Innovation & Entrepreneurship Hub
For Medical Professionals

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery

Given the rise of robotic surgery in various disciplines, ASPS has created the Robotic Surgery Sub-Committee to promote integrating this technology into plastic surgery and address the challenges we face in incorporating robotic surgery into our practice.

Goals of the Sub-Committee

  1. Assessment of Current Use: Evaluate the current status of robotic technology in plastic surgery, highlighting procedures such as TORS, robotic DIEP, latissimus dorsi flap, pelvic reconstruction, and others.
  2. Credentialing: Address the major roadblock of certification for robotic procedures, exploring the feasibility of a precise certification process tailored to plastic surgery, remaining platform-agnostic, and prioritizing safety.
  3. Collaboration: Propose a shift in hospital policies by collaborating with colleagues from general surgery, colorectal surgery, and gynecology to advocate for changes that accommodate evolving technology and training needs.
  4. Strategic Approach: Maintain an ongoing dialogue with industry leaders, collaborate with the American College of Surgeons (ACS), engage with other specialties, and develop a robotic curriculum for plastic surgery.
  5. Resident Education/Training: Strive for the seamless integration of robotic surgery into plastic surgery training, working closely with residency programs, the RRC, and ACS to introduce robotic surgery exposure earlier in residency programs.
  6. Recommendations: Provide written recommendations to the ASPS/PSF Task Force regarding educational and practice management resources to support the evolution of robotic technology in plastic surgery practice.

Please stay tuned here for updates on the group's progress.

Sub-committee members

  • Andrea Moreira- Chair
  • Peter Rubin
  • Justin Sacks
  • Lynn Jeffers
  • Robert Allen Jr
  • Hariprya Ayyala
  • Rich Baynosa
  • Minas Chrysopoulos
  • Risal Djohan
  • Nicholas Haddock
  • Suhail Kanchwala
  • David Kurtlander
  • Scott Levin
  • Dan Murariu
  • Brodie Parent
  • Alanna Rebecca
  • John Schuck
  • Graham Schwartz
  • Jesse Selber
  • Neil Tanna
  • Aparna Vijayasekaran
  • Alice Yao