Join our team – and strengthen our influence in Washington, D.C.

Let me begin by saying thank you all for the hard work and dedication you've contributed in treating this global pandemic. Thank you to those who were reassigned to new roles and took on these new responsibilities eagerly and enthusiastically – and to your families, who were forced to make great sacrifices as well during this difficult time.
With the transition back to performing surgical cases "as usual" in this new era of medicine, advocacy efforts continue, and actually never stopped. Hidden in the confines of our homes and apartments, PlastyPAC members were hard at work protecting the futures of our practices. During the global crisis, PlastyPAC members from all across the country participated in virtual meetings with congressional leaders such as Reps. Andy Harris, MD (R-Md.); Dan Kildee (R-Mich.); Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio); and Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.) as part of its new PlastyPAC Speakers Series. These meetings served as an opportunity to educate the congressional speakers about issues impacting the specialty and to urge them to prioritize financial assistance to the healthcare industry when offsetting the negative economic effects of COVID-19 on the nation's economy.
PlastyPAC also requested that members of Congress prioritize financial assistance to plastic surgery societies, support the nation's medical supply chain and adopt physician policy provisions to help address the increasing demands on the physicians during the national emergency. In attempts to protect those in private practice, PlastyPAC stressed the importance of including direct financial relief for independent physicians' offices in the federal government's response. Lastly, we also spoke directly to congressional members to advocate on behalf of resident, alerting them of the difficulties we face as well as the reassignments which occurred – resulting in many physicians in training being "voluntold" to serve on front line. These are just a few of the at-home efforts which have taken place.
A significant portion of advocacy deals with educating personnel in a field where they have no experience. Out of 535 total United States congressional personnel, only 16 are physicians. Thus, 97 percent of policymakers have limited knowledge as to the pertinent issues that affect us daily. It's incredibly important to continue to encourage these direct lines of contact with political members so that we may educate them on pressing matters. Even more importantly, these personnel are happy to hear from and listen to us, which enables them to make educated decisions on pressing healthcare policies. That's why I encourage you to join us for our Northeast & Midwest Virtual Regional Fly-in taking place on Sept. 15-16. This is a wonderful event to attend and the perfect introduction to all things advocacy related.
In the meantime, I encourage you all to contact me ( or Benjamin Schultz, MD (, with any questions, comments or concerns you may have with regard to PlastyPAC and any issues we’re currently fighting for. Your continued input and contributions will help to strengthen and protect the future of plastic surgery throughout the United States and the world. For additional information about PlastyPAC or to contribute, please visit our website at Your generosity provides us with the resources needed to effect legislation in our favor.
Dr. Hill is PGY8 at Houston Methodist Hospital.