Residents and Fellows Forum
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Grant Funding Opportunities
The Plastic Surgery Foundation Grants
The Plastic Surgery Foundation (The PSF) offers a number of funding opportunities through grants and awards.
Pilot Research Grants
The PSF Pilot Research Grant (PRG) fosters plastic surgery innovation in the areas of basic science, clinical outcomes and translational research. These grants provide seed funding which is intended to allow investigators to begin work on preliminary research projects related to the plastic surgery sciences.
About PSF Pilot Research Grants
Combined Pilot Research Grants
The PSF, along with the AAHS, AAPS, ACAPS, ASMS, ASPN, ASRM, and PSRC recognize the importance of promoting innovative research in hand surgery, academic plastic surgery related to research, peripheral nerve research, microsurgery, and stimulating fundamental research in plastic surgery. Together, these subspecialty organizations are dedicated to fostering the development of surgeon scientists and are committed to increasing the amount of research dollars in order to fund pilot research studies that set the stage for investigators to apply to larger funding agencies.
About PSF Combined Pilot Research Grants
Research Fellowship Grants
The PSF Research Fellowship is designed for those who wish to supplement one year of clinical training for a research experience and can be utilized for training in any area of plastic surgery. The research fellowship provides supplemental salary support during a mentored research experience (up to $50,000 for one year).
About PSF Research Fellowship Grants
More Resources
The PSF Research Abstract Database: Search The PSF for easy access to full-text grant abstracts from past PSF-funded research projects.