American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

University of Utah

Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Area of Research: Clinical and/or Translational
Start Date: July 1
Application Deadline: March 1
Contact Name: Kallie Handy
Contact Email:
Length of Fellowship: 1 Year
Positions per Year: 2
Available Every Year? Yes
Funding Available? Yes
Estimated Salary: $40,000
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants in medical school or graduated from medical school, with a specific interest in plastic surgery research, will be considered.
Description of Fellowship: This fellow will take a leading role in multiple projects and in writing multiple clinical plastic and reconstructive surgery manuscripts. The fellow will work with different faculty, residents and research staff within the division to help design studies and complete previously initiated studies. At any given time, the fellow may be overseeing multiple projects. If the fellow is interested, opportunities for other basic and translational research also exist. Applicants must have an interest in learning IRB submission, study design, basic statistics, database query and management, chart review, manuscript preparation/submission and grant writing. The fellow will be invited to participate in departmental conferences and educational activities and will also assist in the translational lab with surgeries and animal care. This year-long fellowship will culminate with multiple clinical manuscripts published on which the fellow will be an author. The fellow will have a budget for attending conferences to present their work.
Application Process: Please send CV and letter of interest to Kallie Handy at

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