American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

First Year (MS1)

If you're a first-year medical student interested in plastic surgery, it's important to build a strong foundation early on. Here are key areas to focus on:

  1. Excel in Your Preclinical Courses
    Plastic surgery is highly competitive, and strong academic performance is crucial. Here's what you need to prioritize:
    • Do well in ALL your academic coures.
    • Anatomy: Develop a deep understanding of head, neck, hand and general surgical anatomy.
    • Histology & Physiology: Grasping tissue healing and wound healing processes is essential for reconstructive surgery.
    • Pathology: Understand conditions that may require reconstructive surgery, such as burns, trauma or congenital anomalies.
  2. Develop Surgical and Technical Skills
    • Join suturing and microsurgery workshops if available.
    • Practice fine motor skills using simulation tools, knot-tying boards or even hobbies like drawing and sculpting.
  3. Seek Early Exposure to Plastic Surgery
    • Shadowing: Identify plastic surgery attendings or residents and ask to observe cases in the OR and clinic.
    • Student Interest Groups: Join your school's Plastic Surgery Interest Group (PSIG) or consider starting one.
    • Conferences & Webinars: Attend American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) or American Council of Educators in Plastic Surgery (ACEPS) events to learn about the field.
  4. Get Involved in Research
    Plastic surgery is research-heavy. Seek early involvement in:
    • Clinical case reports or chart reviews related to plastic surgery.
    • Basic science or translational research on wound healing, biomaterials, tissue engineering, etc.
    • Reach out to faculty members with ongoing projects and express your interest.
  5. Network and Find Mentors
    • Identify a faculty mentor in plastic surgery who can provide guidance.
    • Connect with senior medical students and residents for insights on how to succeed.
    • Join national mentorship programs like the ASPS Medical Student Forum or Women of Color Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Mentorship Program.
  6. Stay Well-Rounded
    • Develop strong communication and teamwork skills, which are essential for patient care and surgical collaboration.
    • Maintain a balance between studying, research and personal wellness to prevent burnout.
    • Consider global health initiatives or volunteering in underserved communities to gain perspective on reconstructive needs worldwide.
  7. Plan Out Your Summer After M1 Year
    • Go into the summer after your first year of medical school with a plan!
    • Consider doing a clinical internship, research, getting involved in an extracurricular that you are passionate about, etc.

By focusing on these areas, you'll build a solid foundation for a future in plastic surgery while setting yourself up for a competitive residency application.

What Should I Do Between MS1 and MS2?

How Can I Get Involved Now?

Ways to Get Involved

  • Join a plastic surgery interest group
  • Pursue mentorship
  • Work on research projects with a mentor
  • Seek ASPS or ACEPS mentors if no home program
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