American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

Key Issues in Plastic Surgery

Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Resources

Information on the Shared Savings Program and Accountable Care Organizations

Breast Cancer Patient Education Act

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) proudly leads in the effort to pass the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act.

Breast Procedures

Documents include practice parameters and insurance coverage criteria on breast implants, breast reconstruction, breast reduction and gynecomastia.

Cosmetic Procedure Taxes

Documents include position statement and talking points.

Dental Scope of Practice

Resources include issue brief, talking points and crisis map.

Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act

The Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act is legislation requiring all group and individual health plans to cover reconstructive procedures to treat a child's congenital anomaly.

Gluteal Fat Grafting Advisories

Multisociety safety advisories regarding the risks associated with gluteal fat grafting, calling on plastic surgeons and the public to approach the procedure with extreme caution.

Healthcare Truth in Advertising

Resources include a chart detailing physician truth in advertising laws by state.


Documents include policy statement and legal analysis.


Evidence Based Patient Safety Advisory and Executive Summary.

Medicare Payment

Documents include talking points, payment brief, and letters to CMS.

Office-Based Surgery

Documents include ASPS accreditation bylaws, AMA patient safety principles and a state regulations chart and map.

Physician Extender

Materials include contact information for state medical, nursing, physician assistant and cosmetology boards; examples of APRN protocols; and a list of legal and risk management considerations.

Professional Liability

Documents include a medical reform issue brief, statement on informed consent, and Doctors Company resources.

Protecting Patients from Unanticipated Medical Bills

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has been a vocal advocate for state and federal efforts to protect patients who receive unanticipated medical bills.

Trauma Care Systems Planning

Documents include issue briefs, talking points and letters.