FEDERAL | FDA Turns to ASPS for Expert Opinions
As a member of the Food and Drug Administration's Network of Experts, ASPS has built a partnership with the FDA to offer guidance on issues related to patient safety within plastic surgery. This collaboration offers access to expertise such as current best practices, the newest literature, benefits and risks, expected outcomes, and clinical experience with certain products. Such was the case when the FDA's Center for Devices reached out to the ASPS Patient Safety Subcommittee in December 2017 for insight on current and upcoming trends in technologies in plastic surgery. The FDA is looking to learn from ASPS members about medical device technology areas that will increase in both relevance and impact within the next 5 to 10 years.
The ASPS Patient Safety Subcommittee will select two ASPS members to work with the FDA on this initiative. Interested individuals should contact mzielinski@plasticsurgery.org for more information.