American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

ASPS Members Win AMA Elections at Virtual AMA HOD Meeting

The 2020 annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates (HOD) was held virtually on June 7. With 612 of the 686 delegates in attendance, the meeting included the presidential inauguration, elections and essential HOD business. For the first time in the organization's history, the AMA has its third consecutive female physician as president. As part of her inaugural speech, Susan Bailey, MD, an allergist and immunologist from Texas, touted a new era of physician heroism.

ASPS is well-positioned to contribute substantially to that endeavor within the AMA, especially as ASPS President Lynn Jeffers, MD, MBA, FACS, and Larry Reaves, MD, were elected and appointed to the Council on Medical Service (CMS) and Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA), respectively. Dr. Jeffers' successful reelection bid ensures her continued service on the AMA CMS, while Dr. Reaves' appointment to CEJA will be his second stint on the panel. Their respective positions continue a strong tradition of ASPS representation within the AMA.

In addition to the elections that were held for open AMA board and council seats, the meeting focused on the AMA's response to COVID-19, racism and police brutality. Visit to read more about the meeting.