What questions should I ask my plastic surgeon about laser skin resurfacing?
Use this checklist as a guide during your laser skin resurfacing consultation:
Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
Were you specifically trained in the field of plastic surgery?
Is the office-based surgical facility accredited by a nationally- or state-recognized accrediting agency, or is it state-licensed or Medicare-certified?
Am I a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing?
What will be expected of me to get the best results?
Who will perform the laser skin resurfacing procedure?
Have they been specifically trained in this procedure?
Where and how will you perform my procedure or treatment?
How long of a recovery period can I expect?
What are the risks and possible complications associated with my procedure?
How can I expect to look over time?
Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for this procedure?
What if the latest laser technology holds the key to a clearer, more radiant and acne-free complexion? Banishing acne with lasers is not just a flash in the pan. It may be the next wave of pimple popping.
"In the wintertime, most people tend to be more dry. Their skin dries out – not everybody – and so adding a moisturizer and then maybe backing off on the amount of retinol or retinoic acid you use might be helpful to avoid getting that kinda red, peely, scratchy skin during the wintertime."