& AfterPhotos
The goal of breast implant revision surgery is to replace old breast implants with new implants.
The goal of breast implant revision surgery is to replace old breast implants with new implants. Often the goal is also to change or improve the appearance of the breasts while updating the implant material, which could include:
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The desire to have breast implant revision surgery can be because of any of the following reasons:
Over time, breast implants can change shape or size, and the overlying breast tissue can also change, creating an appearance or feel to the breast that is less desirable than the original result. Also, many breast implants have a lifetime warranty on the actual implant device, but after ten years the costs associated with having surgery to replace the implants are no longer covered. Because of this, many women will elect to replace or update their breast implants at or around the 10-year time frame.
Breast implant revision surgery is not a standard or routine procedure and needs to be tailored specifically to the patient's goals and desires. Therefore, this surgery should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is well-trained and experienced in all types of breast surgery and who will listen to the patient's goals and desires and will develop a surgical plan specifically to address all of the issues at the time of surgery.